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Building New Toilets at Sanya Juu Primary School

UK Sponsored


The school is situated a few miles from the Kilimanjaro National Park. When it is not covered with a blanket of clouds Kibo, the highest peak of Mount Kilimanjaro rises high in the sky behind the school. The school was built and run by the Catholic church to support the Massai a nomad tribe in the area. But between 1967 and 1970, during the nationalization policies of the first Tanzanian Government, it became a public school. 


With not much funding from the government and without the financial support of the Catholic church, the infrastructure fell into ruins. The latrines were overflowing, and the building had fallen into disrepair. During the “Make Poverty History” campaign and the consequent debt relief on Tanzania by the UK government, the school received funding for the children’s toilet but not the staff. 

In 2012 Fr Deo Matiika the parish priest, seen on the picture, appealed to the You Touch Africa on behalf of the school. Fr Arbo who had been supporting other projects in the area, submitted the appeal to the trustees who agreed to assist the school in constructing this modern toilet for the staff members.

Construction of New Boys' Toilets in Makomu, Tanzania

UK Sponsored


Makomu primary school is about 7 miles from the Kilimanjaro National Park. On a clear sky the two Kilimanjaro peaks of Kibo and Mawenzi are spectacularly visible from the assembly area of the school. The school traces its origin back to the first Catholic missionaries who built the first mission at Kilema in the 1890s. The school was one of the efforts of the Holy Ghost missionaries to educate children in the larger area of Marangu.

But between 1967 and 1970, during the nationalization policies of the first Tanzanian Government, it became a public school. Fr Arbo and his siblings attended the school and his father Mr Lucas Lekule was the headteacher for many years.

Due to lack of financial support from the government, the infrastructure was in a dire state. During the “Make Poverty History” campaign relating to the Millennium Development Goals and the consequent debt relief on Tanzania by the UK government, the school received limited funding which was only able to build a new toilet building for the girls. 

The boys' toilet was an old pit latrine housed in a dilapidated building that offered little privacy. Although the pit was full, 350 boys aged 7-16 years had no choice but to continue using it. 

In the summer of 2012 Mrs. Diana Holmes (nee Head) a teacher at St Joseph’s Primary School Bromley, England volunteered to teach at Makomu school. In her return to the UK she motivated her pupils to raise funds which assisted in repairing the leaking roof of the school and build new toilets for the boys. Instead of frowned faces, the boys were beaming with smiles when they came out of their new toilet.

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Provision of New Windows and Renovation of Blackboards at Kitowo Primary Schools

UK Sponsored


Kitowo primary school is only two miles from the thick tropical forest of the Kilimanjaro National Park. It is the last school towards the mountain. It was built by parents of the area in the 1970s, using pupils from the nearby school of Uomboni to carry sand from the nearby river. Fr Arbo was one of the “child labour force" who took part in building the school.

Funding a Skills Training Centre in Ghana

UK Sponsored


The College is situated in an arid part of northern Ghana to serve the poorest young women in the area. Phase 1: The initial funding was confined to the equipment and items needed for teaching and electrification. Part of the funds were raised by their namesake CTK St Mary’s Sixth Form Sidcup London England, thanks to their teacher Ms Lorraine Shakesheff who visited Tanzania and taught at Uomboni Secondary School in 2006. Another amount of the funds came from St James the Great Parish, Petts Wood, in London. 


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Phase 2: After few years of running the school they realized that they could not raise enough funds from the students in order to pay salaries and maintain the infrastructure. The charity agreed to fund the renovations and pay salaries for the teacher for two years with a hope of establishing themselves and become self-reliant. 

Phase 3: By 2019 they were still unable to achieve their goal due to various issues. After providing us with the clear roadmap with which they believe that they can become independent by year 2021/22, we have agreed to fund the salaries of the teachers for another year and then review their progress. 

The following is a list of what the governing board consider to be the impact and achievements of the college in the area. 

  • Reduction of underage marriage, pregnancies and abuse of girls

  • Provide independence for young girls

  • Advancement of education for girls who drop out of the state educational system

  • Reduction of girl’s migration to towns where they are often exploited

Replacing the Galvanized Iron Roof at Makomu School, Tanzania

UK Sponsored


The old corrugated galvanized iron roof at Makomu/Kyala Primary School was badly rusting and leaking. It was replaced in phases to keep the rain out of the classrooms.

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Kibosho Girls Secondary school, Kilimanjaro Tanzania Solar Panels (September 2017)

UK Sponsored


The main source of electricity at the School, like most of the country, is hydroelectric and is notoriously unreliable. The alternative source which is a diesel powered generator and is astronomically expensive. As a result, computers and other electrical equipment were also unreliable. The students could not study at night undisrupted. 


You Touch Africa is proud to have been able to fund the installation of solar energy in all the building used for studies.

The project has not only raised students’ academic performance but has also saved the school with much needed funds for other projects. 

Sister Anna is incredibly grateful for the support and she continue to request for assistance in other areas of need. E.g. Expansion of the existing dormitories and extension of the solar energy to the rest of the school. 

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Kimanganuni Primary School: new toilets (September 2017)

UK Sponsored


The school has 315 children aged between 4 and 14. In 2016 the heavy rains in the area caused their old latrine to literally sink. Thank God it happened at night and no child was hurt. For this reason, the school had to close. You Touch Africa raised over £6,000 which was used to build a new and modern toilet.

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Special acknowledgement goes to Eduardo Viegas and family who donated most of the money.

One of the teachers commented; “The sinking of the old toilet seemed like a disaster, has become a blessing in disguise!” 

Itembweni Primary School Kitchen (September 2017)

UK Sponsored


Itembweni school has over 300 children aged between 4 and 14. Their old cooking space was in a simple shack with insecure walls, licking roof and a three stone traditional stove. Thanks to the villagers’ effort in providing rocks, timber and labour, and thanks to our donors, You Touch Africa was able to complement their efforts by donating money which completed the new building with the modern stove installed. 

Benefits include: Better cooked food, healthier diet, increase in school attendance, less deforestation due to a more efficiency use of firewood and safer environment for the cooks. 

Kiraracha Primary School Classroom Project

UK Sponsored


Thanks to your support we are proud say that the school does not only have enough classrooms, staff rooms and toilets, but quality ones. The facility accommodates 400 children and holds one of the best records in the region in sending boys and girls to government secondary schools.

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It was started by parents of Kiraracha village in early 2000 after their only primary school was turned into a secondary school. By this time, the price of Arabica Coffee, their main source of income, had plummeted, thanks to the Structural Adjustment Programme SAP imposed by IMF and the dawn of globalization which destroyed the local cooperative unions. 
Mr August Dominick Mrema linked with Fr Arbo and requested assistance from the UK charity Hand in Hand ( After building the first six classrooms and the teachers’ office, You Touch Africa joined Hand in Hand in 2008 with the plan to build a nine-classroom block. It is the biggest project that we have ever undertaken. On a separate project Mr Eduardo Viegas funded a construction of a modern toilet for boys and girls. 

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Sanya Juu Primary School Renovation

UK Sponsored


The school is situated a few miles from the Kilimanjaro National Park. When it is not covered with a blanket of clouds Kibo, the highest peak of Mount Kilimanjaro rises high in the sky behind the school. The school was built and run by the Catholic church to support the Massai a nomad tribe in the area. But between 1967 and 1970, during the nationalization policies of the first Tanzanian Government, it became a public school. 

With not much funding from the government and without the financial support of the Catholic church, the infrastructure fell into ruins. The walls had cracks and the plaster was falling off after suffering from the elements. 
Once again, the school board appealed for some assistance from the You Touch Africa who obliged and supported their efforts. Once again thanks to your donations, the school building looks cleaner and not in danger of falling apart for years to come.



Providing Cooking Facilities at Kimanganuni School

UK Sponsored


Why we are keen to assist with the building of modern kitchens in schools? School meals are a key to: 
•    raising the standard of education,
•    improve school attendance,
•    reduce child malnutrition. 
With the new kitchen children and members of staff are beaming with smile every lunch time!

Food for the children was cooked on three stone stoves on the floor, which was hazardous, not properly cooked and slow. Thanks to Mrs. Jenny Dorsey (see testimony) who climbed Mount Kilimanjaro and Mr. Matt Gibbs and his son Joe, who walked the Adrian Wall to fundraise for the funding of a new kitchen. New facilities have been built in an extension to an existing building, shown on the right.  It housed the new kitchen, a serving area and a store. 

Improving the Diet at Makomu School in Tanzania

UK Sponsored


Originally the children only had boiled maize meal for lunch, except when their food contributions ran out. When that happened, the children had no food at school all day. We are now improving the children's diet by adding healthy local additional local food items to the staple diet provided for lunches at school. For more information about this project, please click here.

We are very pleased that this project is underway and funded by Mr Wilbert Derks of Amsterdam.


We will be considering similar projects at other schools. For typical costs, see here.


Kiraracha School Toilets

In Marangu, Kilimanjaro, Tanzania.

UK Sponsored


The children, their parents and staff are eternally grateful to Mr Eduardo Viegas and his family who donated funds for this facility.
Like in most primary schools in Tanzania, the old toilet had tiny rooms, rough walls, and was without water to wash or clean it. One of our generous supporters, Mr. Viegas of Surbiton UK, offered funds to build this new facility complete with water, tilling, spacious and with better ventilations. The children are now able to wash and clean the toilets after every use. This has helped to reduce the stench and common ailments like diarrhea among the children. 


Kiraracha Primary School Kitchen

In Marangu, Kilimanjaro, Tanzania

UK Sponsored


It will cost approximately $3,000 to turn this sad situation to an incredibly happy one. The picture shows the current state of the kitchen and dining area. The kids line up in the open and receive their rations and sit around the classroom building to eat. During the rainy season, the situation is pitiful. 
Since we have funded some of the kitchens in the nearby schools, the children and parents are appealing for our assistance to build a modern kitchen. We trust that with your help we will one day see these children sharing food in a more hygienic and safer kitchen. 

Makomu Primary Kitchen project

UK Sponsored


The parents’ efforts were supported by Mr. Eduardo Viegas of Surbiton London, who donated enough funds to complete the facility. The children, their parents and the staff express their gratitude to Mr. Viegas, his family and all our benefactors.
After their old kitchen fell apart, they resorted to cooking their food on three stone stoves, under a small shed which made it exceedingly difficult to cook properly.

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The children received their rations in the open and use the banana farm as their dining area. When it was raining the situation was terrible. Given the limited funds we gave them, the school board and parents worked hard to complete this magnificent kitchen with a modern stove, a store and a veranda for serving the food. 
Mr. Matthew Gibbs the treasurer (on the picture), surrounded by happy pupils, was delighted to witness this achievement. 



Sending Books to Africa

US Sponsored


Over 600 school books primarily in subjects including Chemistry, Geometry, Math, and Economics.  These books were generously donated by Jeff Fremed and stored for free in Martin Kabraki's warehouse.

Sending Computers to Africa

UK Sponsored


21 redundant computers were very generously donated by Belmarsh Prison. These were upgraded by You Touch Africa and had additional software installed. The computers have been sent to Tanzania, where they have been successfully installed in several schools. For some fascinated children, this was their first sight of a computer.

Uomboni Vocational Training School, Tanzania

UK Sponsored


You Touch Africa provided five knitting machines, one sewing machine and one embroidery machine for the Wawata Uomboni Vocational Training School in Tanzania. The school is now being used for the vocational training of girls and the production of school uniforms. Grants totaling £1,800 have been been sent to date, funded from the proceeds of a successful Summer Fair at St. Luke’s Six Form College in Sidcup, UK.

Computer Project: Montessori College, Lushoto Tanzania

UK Sponsored


In 2016 one of the founders of the charity, Claudia Nagyivan, organized a week of Exhibitions, Talks, Music and Tapas in Majorca “Semana Toca Africa”. Over 4,000 Euros was raised to complete two IT classrooms. You Touch Africa paid for the state of the art computers which are now used to teach Montessori Teachers, Secondary School Students and even the little children from the Montessori nursery nearby. 

Montessori Training Centre-Lushoto is located in the remote part of the Usambara mountains in Tanga and it is the only college of the kind in the whole region. 

Bo Ghana; Saint Mary's Vocational Training School

UK Sponsored


Initially was funded by St James the Great Church, Petts Wood Parish. The latest development was funded by our various donors through You Touch Africa.

IT skills to Kibosho Girls Secondary School (Jan 2020)

UK Sponsored


Wilbert Derks of Hoyng Rokh Monegier based in Amsterdam and a longtime supporter of the charity, donated over 120 used Laptops and PCs through You Touch Africa. Kibosho Secondary School (750+ girls aged between 13 and 18) was one of the main beneficiaries. Sister Anna Shayo, the headteacher wrote:

“We have the honour to extend our deep gratitude on the reception of 20 laptops and 10 desktops through Rev. Arbogast Lekule. We highly appreciate the gift… The computers have been of great help to us in facilitating both teaching and learning process in our school... We remain praying for you (donors) so that God can bless you all the more.” 

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St Armedeus Secondary School in Kilema,

St Armedeus Secondary School; Kilema, Tanzania

UK Sponsored


Ms. Jan Crocker of Kingston upon Thames and manager at the Nokia office in London saw the opportunity to help African children when the company closed its facility. She arranged to donate most of the powerful computers and other IT items to You Touch Africa. Saint Amedeus Secondary School was one of the main beneficiaries of this donation. 
23 desktops 2 Teaching Projectors equipped their once non-existent IT department. Meanwhile, Ms Lorraine Shakesheff, a former trustee and a teacher at Christ The King St Mary's (St Luke’s) Sixth Form Sidcup London, arranged to donate all their Science books to St Amedeus School which equipped their library. The school has achieved one of the best records in the country by sending many boys to higher educational institutions.  

The school was established by the Catholic Diocese of Moshi after a realization that the commonly held belief by donors that boys were preferred for education over girls was outdated. Over years, the best schools in the area and around the country, were overwhelmingly for girls. This trend had tipped the balance by a great margin. Hence, the establishment of St Amedeus Secondary School for boys. 
You Touch Africa remains grateful to you for your continued support to our efforts to raising the standard of education in Africa. 

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